Labour Law and Labour Relations

Course ID:

ECO_ D205

Semester: 6th

Year of Study:

For Erasmus Students:

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course the student will furthermore be able to understand:

  1. General concepts of labour law and employment relations
  2. The definition of individual labour contract
  3. The principal conditions of formation of the individual labour contract
  4. The duties and rights of the parties
  5. The remuneration systems
  6. The legal conditions of termination of the individual labour contract- control of the employer’s right to terminate the contract unilaterally
  7. The protection of the trade union freedom
  8. The protection of the right of strike

Course Contents

  1. Introduction – the general background- definitions and notions – sources of labour law – the principle of equality of men and women
  2. The individual labour contract- definition – fundamental elements of appreciation – distinction from other types of contracts of civil law
  3. Duties of the parties in the course of the employment relationship- working time limits – overtime pay- the duty of the employee to follow the employer’s instructions
  4. Working time and leave- annual vacation – holidays- types of leave
  5. Remuneration- types of remuneration – wage- allowances
  6. The termination of the individual labour contract – conditions of employer’s right to terminate the contract
  7. Collective labour relations- the trade unions- collective bargaining – Collective labour contracts- formation- content
  8. The right of strike- – conditions –sanctions.

Teaching Activities

Teaching Organization


Semester Work





Private Study


Total number of hours for the Course (25 hours of work-load per ECTS credit)



Final exam with developing questions

Use of ICT

Communication with students using the campus LMS (eclass)

Teaching Hours: 3

ECTS Credits: 6

Teaching Credits: 3

Weight: 1.5



Teaching Method:

General Competences:

Other Faculty

Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο:

Οργανική Μονάδα / Εργαστήριο:


Ώρες γραφείου: 

eclass URL: e-class