English for Economists II

The front page of "The Economist", on May 16, 1846, Source: Wikimedia Commons

Course ID:


Semester: 4th

Year of Study:

Category: Compulsory

For Erasmus Students: Ναι

Learning Outcomes

The aim of the course is to further develop what was learnt in   the English-for-Economists I course. Students will advance their English language comprehension in the field of Economics. They will analyze economics texts from Economics related university textbooks and they will learn the structure and language of research papers published in periodicals in the field of economics. Selected texts are mostly drawn from Macroeconomics.

By the end of this course the students will  be able to:

  • Understand economics terminology, especially the language used in economics textbooks and journals.
  • Learn how to comprehend and analyze authentic material (texts referring to their subject matter) with teaching focused on the development of language skills for special purposes.
  • Read, understand, analyze the language and outline a published journal paper in the field of economics.

Course Contents

This course focuses on the language of economics at an advanced academic level. The selected texts are mostly drawn from macroeconomics. Every lesson includes a variety of language exercises which help students acquire the vocabulary and the skills necessary in their field of study.

Topics include:

  • Macroeconomics – Terms and Definitions-Prosperity and Depression
  • The use of metaphor in the language of economics- Identifying and Understanding Metaphors in Economics textbooks and Journal articles
  • John Maynard Keynes – Objectives of Macroeconomics: Terms and definitions- The tools of macroeconomic policy
  • The national income and product accounts- Measuring economic activity- Final goods and services
  • Aggregate supply and demand – Referring to sources in academic writing
  • Consumption and investment-Business cycles
  • The Evolution of Money- Analysis of results in academic writing
  • International trade – Trade barriers
  • Banks and the supply of money-The International Monetary System
  • Reporting what others say- The basic structure of a report in economics
  • Writing economics: – The economic approach
  • The structure of published papers in economics
  • Reading, understanding and outlining a Journal paper

Teaching Activities

Lectures (3 hours per week)

Teaching Organization


Semester workload


13X3 = 39 hours

Hours for private studying

Studying  language and  lexical exercises

11 hours

Α. (optional) On line assignments for Listening comprehension of Macroeconomic topics through the e-class platform. 10% of  final grade

Β. (Optional)   Reading and understanding a published economics journal paper. Answering comprehension questions related to the structure, the language and the content of the paper through the e-class platform.  20% of final grade

Total number of hours for the Course (25 hours of work-load per ECTS credit)

50 hours (total student work-load)


Assessment consists of:

  • written exam at the end of the semester consisting of: true/false statements, multiple choice questions, cloze passages, matching terms and definitions, text  comprehension, and short answer/ essay  questions. (70 % of the final grade)
  • Optional Assignment A (10% of the final grade)
  • Optional Assignment B (20% of the final grade)

The final grade for the course will be based 100% on the final exam if no optional assignments are submitted.

The curriculum, the assessment method of the course and other relevant material are available in e-class and are accessible to all students.

Use of ICT

Use of IT in teaching, and in communication with the students (e-class). Support Learning through the e-class platform

Teaching Hours: 3

ECTS Credits: 2

Teaching Credits: 2

Weight: 1


Language: Αγγλική

Teaching Method: Πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο

General Competences:

Other Faculty
Παπαγιάννη Χρυσαυγή

Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο:

Οργανική Μονάδα / Εργαστήριο:


Ώρες γραφείου: Monday - Wednesday by appointment at e-mail cpapagianni@upatras.gr

eclass URL: e-class