Microeconomics I

Microeconomics I

Course ID:


Semester: 3rd

Year of Study:

Category: Compulsory

For Erasmus Students:

Learning Outcomes

Microeconomics constitutes a basic pillar of Economics and therefore, a core course in the Department’s program of studies. Microeconomics provides the theoretical background of the economic behavior of economic units, i.e., consumers, business firms and resource owners. The course is taught in two semesters as Microeconomics I and II.   After the successful completion of Microeconomics I, students will be able to:

  • Analyze and present in a scientific way the economic behavior and the economic decisions made by consumers and firms.
  • Present and explain the optimizing economic decisions made by consumers (utility maximization) and firms (profit maximization).
  • Present the workings of perfectly competitive markets as well as the process of determining equilibrium prices and quantities.
  • Apply the theoretical economic models of the decision making processes and predict changes in the equilibrium positions of consumers and business firms.
  • Analyze and present to special and non-special audiences the effects of governmental interventions in the markets for goods and services on the welfare of consumers and producers (consumer and producer surplus, deadweight losses).

Course Contents

The nature of microeconomics. Demand and supply. Theory of consumer preferences and utility. Consumer behavior and individual demand curves. Market demand, price and income elasticities. The Slutsky equation. Revealed preferences and price indices. Time allocation and labour supply. The problem of intertemporal allocation. Risk and uncertainty. Production theory: technology and the factors of production, isoquants, elasticity of substitution, the short-and the long run, returns to scale. Theory of cost: optimal input combinations, estimation of short-run and long-run cost functions, Shepard’s lemma. Theory of the firm in perfect competition   in the short & in the long run. Supply curve. Consumer and producer surplus. Government intervention: taxes, subsidies, production restrictions, tariffs, import quotas.

Teaching Activities

Lectures (4 hours per week) and Tutorials (2 hours per week)

Teaching Organization


Semester workload

Lectures (4 hours per week x 13 weeks)

52 hours

Tutorials (2 hours per week x 13 weeks)

26 hours

Hours of private study

122 hours

Total number of hours for the Course (25 hours of work-load per ECTS credit)

200 hours (total student work-load)


The overall course grade is the sum of a) the final exam grade plus b) 20 percent of an optional mid-term exam grade*.

Both, the mid-term exams and the final are multiple- choice exams (40 questions with 5 alternative answers).All the information regarding course material, student assessment, laboratory exercises are included in the course outline, which is distributed to all students in the first day of classes. This material is also included in course webpage and it’s always available to the students during their studies.

*The above student evaluation method is a pilot one and will be re-examined at the end of academic year 2018-2019

Use of ICT

ICT technologies are employed for teaching, laboratory work and communication with students. Power point presentations, homework assignments, past exams are uploaded in the e-class platform.

Teaching Hours: 6

ECTS Credits: 8

Teaching Credits: 5

Weight: 2



Teaching Method:

General Competences: Decision-making, Working independently, Team work, Promotion of free, creative and inductive thinking

Giannakopoulos Nicholas

Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Applied Microeconomics

Οργανική Μονάδα / Εργαστήριο:

Τηλέφωνο: +30 2610 962599

Ώρες γραφείου: Tuesday 12:00-14:00 Friday 13:00-14:00

Assistant Professor
Σταυρόπουλος Σπυρίδων

Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Regional economics

Οργανική Μονάδα / Εργαστήριο:

Τηλέφωνο: +30 2610 96 2594

Ώρες γραφείου: Thu 13.00 - 15.00 Fri 11.00 - 12.00

eclass URL: e-class